Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Contest is Coming

Around the House
I feel like I have been running a sprint recently.  With getting ready for my next book to hit shelves, planning my next writing projects, and this new attempt at work life balance my head is totally spinning.  I am feeling very old school recently since I started working out.  I am listening to The Freshman by Verve Pipe and it is making me think of how I used to do Karaoke with all the boys years ago.  I miss it.  I miss a lot of things that my life used to be.  I am just not sure how to get it all back into balance.  Well as they say one day at a time.

My Thoughts
So with the new book coming out.  I want to run a contest, but I am not sure how to do it.  It would be nice to get my fans signed copies of my book.  I was hoping for some suggestions.  I would love to get fantasy bloggers involved, my Facebook, and my Blog Readers a chance to take home some signed copies before they are released.  I am just not sure how to promote it.  Any suggestions that you can help me with my dear readers?

I track my readership here very closely and it is surprising to see that my international readers are growing as well.  I don't want to leave them out.  I need help.  I just need to find the right venue to make it all come together.  So any suggestions would be great!  Thank you all for joining me on this journey.  Okay off to dinner!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Updates Body for Life - Week Two Over

Around the House
Well some of my goals are still way behind. I am not getting any where enough editing done, but I am starting to feel fantastic. I am very excited for the start of Scandal on ABC next week. I am sure there will be a fun review popping up from me about it. Till then I still plan to get the next book on the shelves next month, so hold your breath.
My Thoughts
Its time to really start watching my eating.  If I am getting these types of results and still not eating the best then redirecting my eating should make a huge difference.  Today is my free today so let's see what this week brings.
Week 2 Ending- The Numbers:

                  Start               Week 1           Week 2              Change

Weight:       235.6             234.6                230.6                   -5.1
BMI:            32.7%          30.9%               30.9%                 -1.8
Hips:            44 inches     44 inches          44 inches              0
Waist:          47 inches     45 inches          44 inches              -3
46 inches     44 inches          45 inches              -1
Right Arm: 14 inches      14 inches         13.5 inches           -.50
Left Arm:   14 inches      14 inches         13.5 inches           -.50
Neck:           17 inches     16 3/4               16.5 inches           -.50

Pants: Express Blake 34 waist

I also put on an older polo today that was normally tight around the tummy area.  Well surprise surprise it actually fits damn well.  So damn well that I am going to head out in a few and where it on my date.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Updates on the Body for Life

Around the House
Not to much to say about what is going on around the house.  Enjoying my day off since.  It is enjoyable getting to sit around and joy the lovely weather in Chicago.  I will be heading to my favorite hot spot - Barnes and Noble.  I am looking forward to a coffee and a book to read.  Yea I am in the middle of another book right now with a couple well one sitting on the self to be read. 
My Thoughts
Okay week two is starting.  So lets review the numbers and see how the program is working for me.  I am curious but worried since I am not seeing much on the scale yet.  I know I shouldn't be weighing myself as often as I am, but I am.
Week 2 - The Numbers:
                   Week 1                  Week 2                Change

Weight:       235.6                      234.6                   -1
BMI:            32.7%                    30.9%                 -1.8%
Hips:            44 inches               44 inches              0
Waist:          47 inches               45 inches             -2
Chest:           46 inches              44 inches             -2
Right Arm:  14 inches               14 inches              0
Left Arm:    14 inches               14 inches              0
Neck:           17 inches               16 3/4                 -1/4

Pants:           Express Blake 34/36 waist

Okay for one week not to bad.  I know my eating habits are not what they should be yet.  But this is a good start.  Lets see what next week brings.  I know around week 3 is when guys start to see the major changes.  I am looking forward to it.  Now it have work on my other goals.


1. Finish current book Hunted by April 30, 2012.
A. Complete current edit by end of March.
B. Complete second read through by April 15th
C. Approve new book cover by April 20th
D. Review Final Copy of new Book by April 25th.
2. Finish next book Pandora by June 30, 2012
A. May 1st finish next edit
B. May 15th finish next read through
C. June 15th finish final Edit
3. Drop my BMI by 10 points, Weight down to 205, Loose a total of 12 inches, fit into Express Kingston cut size 32 and a Medium Polo all by May 28, 2012
A. 2.5 pounds a week
B. 1 inch a week
4. Quit Smoking by May 1, 2012
A. Switch from Menthol to Non-Menthol by April 1st
B. Chew Gum/Suckers during work instead of smoking by April 15th
C. Stop smoking in car by April 20th

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

TV Review: Ringer

Around the House
Today is day two of the Body for Life challenge.  I am already down a pound which is awesome, but I am dreading tonight's work out.  At least I have talked my best friend and fellow author Katrina Rue to join me.  She wants to loose more weight before her visit to Dragon Con.  It is a convention in the south every September area.  I am also taking an break from my editing and started a new book.  It is an interesting tale that will be printed in five parts in only digital format.  I may do a book version for the entire story at some point, but as of right now it is going to be a digital book.  I plan on a release this summer for part one.

My Thoughts
Well last night I decided to open a file on the DVR that I have been neglecting all season.  I decided to record the show Ringer because I am a fan of Sarah Michelle Gellar from her Buffy the Vampire Slayer days.  I have been hesitant to start watching the show because about 70% of what I have started recording this season have been deleted very quickly off the DVR.  Now that I have about half the season recorded I realized that I should have started watching the show sooner.  The show is absolutely amazing.  This show is dark, devious, full of mystery and suspense while being coated with Chocolate Cover Cherry Gossip.  This show was so amazing I was up till after 4am watching several episodes.  I am looking forward to watching the next installment with Katrina who happened to just walk in the door.  So, got to go it is Ringer time!

Monday, March 12, 2012

New Challenges - Body for Life

Around the House

Almost done with the final edits for the new book.  I have my current read through to finish then and a reformat before reading the store one last time to make any last minute changes before the final release.  We are looking at an April release, so I am so excited.  Then I need to move on to the next edit of the the Preludes Book 2.

My Thoughts

So it is time for some overly personal information.  My pants that used to fit well are now getting tight.  That does not make me happy.  I have decided to join the Body for Life program.  The Body for Life program bases its self on making changes physically, mentally, and nutritionally.  Physically is because of the intense short work out programs that are designed to jump start the body into moving back into the state that is natural for it.  Our society is too sedentary.  Mentally, because it is about sharing your life with the world and finding a way to help others (welcome to the blog posts).  And finally Nurtion, to teach people how to eat in a way that is healthily for the body and keeps the metabolism going by ensure that you get the proper nutrition, vitamins, minerals, and fiber in your system.

I tired to do Body for Life one before, but didn't have the motivation to complete it before.  Now it is time to make changes.  The way I have decided to hold my self accountable is by doing this on here with everyone.  I want to hear all of your support as I make changes in my life.  The reason I am starting this is that why my health is great my doctor told me my cholesterol is high, I need to quit smoking, and I need to make diet changes.  So here goes, here are the bad pictures.  Mind you these are really only 10 pounds heavier than my average weight, but 10 pounds can make a lot of impact.

Week 1 - The Numbers:  Where am I starting 
Weight: 235.6
BMI: 32.7%
Hips: 44 inches
Waist: 47 inches
Chest: 46 inches
Right Arm: 14 inches
Left Arm: 14 inches
Neck: 17 inches
Pants: Express Blake 34/36 waist


1. Finish current book Hunted by April 30, 2012.
    A. Complete current edit by end of March.
    B. Complete second read through by April 15th
    C. Approve new book cover by April 20th
    D. Review Final Copy of new Book by April 25th.
2. Finish next book Pandora by June 30, 2012
    A. May 1st finish next edit
    B. May 15th finish next read through
    C. June 15th finish final Edit
3. Drop my BMI by 10 points, Weight down to 205, Loose a total of 12 inches, fit into Express Kingston cut size 32 and a Medium Polo all by  May 28, 2012
    A. 2.5 pounds a week
    B. 1 inch a week
4. Quit Smoking by May 1, 2012
    A. Switch from Menthol to Non-Menthol by April 1st
    B. Chew Gum/Suckers during work instead of smoking by April 15th
    C. Stop smoking in car by April 20th

Wish me luck and let me know all of your thoughts!