Around the House
Sitting at home watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Thank god for Logo to remind me of an inspiration that I missed. I have always loved everything that Joss Whedon has created. He has always been an inspiration to me. The way he writes a story that is quirky, heart felt, and fun while adding tons of dramatic movements. I think my favorite part of his series is that you can watch just one episode and have a good time or watch the entire season and get a fuller richer story. It is a hope that I will one day be able to craft stories in just the same way. I know have added all of the comic paper backs to my order list. I just need to start buying them to get all caught up on the world of Buffy. Can you tell I am being all nostalgic for a more fun time of TV shows before the writers strike.
My Thoughts
I am a fan of Charlaine Harris works. So I read her blogs often. She has a fun way of pointing out what is wrong with the world in a safe way that makes the reader feel embraced. She was talking a lot recently about what was going on with people commenting on her Facebook, Amazon, and just general emails. She made a very good point that I just can't seem to grasp. She commented that she does not read reviews on websites and dislikes hearing individuals telling her how they wanted her characters to be. I know the feeling, only I am sitting here craving responses from people. I want to know what they think of my work and how it makes them feel. I get how reading reviews can make you crazy just like waiting for reviews can do the same. I can only hope I have the ability to reach her level of separation from the comments of the individuals and focus on her work of crafting a story she loves.
Oscars 2020
5 years ago