Around the House
I'M BACK! I can't believe how quiet I have been for 8 months. Yes I am working very hard on the last section of For the Love of Brimstone finally. I am also creating expanded scenes for the complete volume. So get excited tell your friends that you are dying to read more of the dirty sexy time. Until this final volume hits the shelves this month enjoy my new book Pandora's Last Breath.
My Thoughts
Sadness fell on my house when I closed the book on the Sookie Stackhouse Series. It took me a month to write this review because I couldn't believe that it was finally over; that Sookie and I would not be spending any more summer days laying in the sun enjoying a glass of iced tea. Then I found that another was coming for this fall ... What Happened Next in the World of Sookie Stackhouse! I got excited that I would get to see where all of my favorite characters ended up. How there lives would turn out, and what would happen next. While the last couple books have been okay this book was stellar, amazing, and an unsung ending to everything that is Sookie. If you are reading from this point on beware of the spoilers that are coming. Just go get the book NOW!
I have read a lot about the harsh critics that Charlaine Harris has received for bringing Sam and Sookie together as part of the ending of the Sookie Stackhouse Series. Of course that is how it had to end up. She had to have a long life of happiness with a man she would grow old with. I can understand why you might have pulled for Alcide, but the vampires were never an option for our sun loving part fairy hero. Now just shut up and enjoy the way the story was told. Open the past books and reread their first date. Find the love for Sam again and enjoy that this is how it had to happen. If it didn't I think I would have been mad.
Rating: 5/5
Oscars 2020
5 years ago