Around the House
Well this week we separated the cats. I was tired of watching them have a constant fight for domination. Bella my dark little mistress is a total alpha. My roommates cat is a declining alpha so she is having a hard time accepting her place at the bottom. So, we have been having some peeing problems with the cats. Mostly the passing alpha. While Bella doesn't let a gate stop her from going were she wants in the house it does keep the other cat at bay and give her a feeling of contentment.
My Thoughts
I am having a bit of a rough week. For those of you, I got laid of back in July, and I have been working a serving job to make ends meet. It sucks; I just want a real job again, but I am having a hard time finding one. At least I have my relationship to keep me going.
Now I just need to get back to writing the third book in the Preludes of Illumination series. This book takes place just after the events in Hunted: The Chronicles of Illumination vol. 1. This story focuses on the summer after school with Damian and Melissa. We learn all about her past and how she became a magical force to be reconned with like Damian. I am about a 3rd of the way through the book, I just need to plow my way to the end. I am hoping to have an excerpt up after my editor looks over the first chapter in the next couple months.
Oscars 2020
5 years ago