Thursday, May 14, 2015

Kickstart it! The Chronicles of Illumination: The Merchant of Death

Around the House
I am sitting at home looking over at my great partner Jerry as he sleeps on the couch.  We are getting ready to head to meet a person that may be renting a room in our house while I push through editing my next two books.  It is amazing to have a partner that supports me so much.  I also still have my crazy little Bella running around nuts when she isn't cuddling up with him!

It is great that I have been able to expose him to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  We just finished the first Avengers, and he is completely in love with the franchise.  He is so into it that he wants to watch Agents of Shield as the watcher would have with the movies. Tonight we are starting Iron Man 3.  I am a little excited to see them all again.

My Thoughts
So for those of you that keep up with my blog and Facebook know that I have finished my next two books.  They are ready for editing and covers, so I have made a Kickstarter to get funding for their production costs.  I am also using this Kickstarter for the new editions of my current books including marketing and new covers.  It would be nice to see my US sales catch up with my UK sales.  Well I would love it if all of you would please share this campaign for me and help me reach my goals.  I have some great give-a-ways if you do!