Around the House
Now that my Ebook Dark Deals is out and the Cursed Ebook is up for Pre-Order things are really starting to kick into high gear in my home. I am also excited to say that having Paperback and Hardcovers of Cursed available has really changed the way my series, The Chronicles or Illumination, can be reach and embraced by everyone out there. I am sitting going through the first round of notes on the second draft of Hunted, and I have seen the final cover of Hunted too. It is very close to what I posted on my Facebook, but you never know what fun changes will happen in the months to come.
My Thoughts
So today, I am working on a variety of things in my office when I ran across an article online. I have to say that I have a very bad habit of reading all those upcoming movie notifications and articles that they post, or those views on characters in movies and books I love. Well today I ended up reading about Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. This made me think of how J.K. Rowling has set a new table for authors to sit at. Her success with adapting her her works and notes into a play and now a movie has made authors wonder if there is room at the table for them as well.
Is it possible for every author to continue to control how their works are adapting by actually sitting down and writing Movies, TV, and Plays? Why not get paid for the rights and get paid to do the work so that the final product is representative of the brand you have worked so hard to create. The only thing I worry about, is the disconnection from the readers that J.K. Rowling is getting dangerously close too. I look at that fact that the play and next movies are based on her notes and that the readers that brought her to fame to not have books to delve into. We will have scripts, but the do not have the wonder and magic of a novel where the scene unfolds before our eyes in a wondrous way. I have to wonder if her not writing novels first is a mistake, or at least after to show us what she saw in her head. The directors and set designers views of her work have always been wonderful, but what does she see when she put that pen to paper and created these new stories.
I still wonder, would I have been disappointed with Harry Potter and the Cursed Child if I had read the novel and not the script? Would the way she crafted the story and world sung to me in a way that made me absolutely ravenous for something new to read? Or would I have been disappointed by the loss of magic the world of Harry Potter had always had for me.
Oscars 2020
5 years ago