Around the House
So I am pleasantly surprised that married life is not much different for us than living together. I am greatly enjoying being married. I was wondering if I was ever going to get to this point in my life and surprise I did. While nothing is life is ever perfect, I am very happy.
So we are looking to redo the kitchen this year. I personally would like to move soon since Townhouse living is not as ideal as I had originally thought. I actually want a yard, so that I can garden. Well anyway, you should see the two of us in the cabinet store, we are either the most frustrating or easiest customers to deal with. We walk in and tell them very specifically what we want every time and sit back waiting on the quote. The most annoying part of the process is that the variations in price and service are huge. Its making comparing apples to apples really hard. I recommend visiting a lot of store including the big boxes before making a choice. Oh, and measure precisely everything in the kitchen.
My Thoughts
So the Monday after a time change is not easy on anyone, especially those of us that work with different time zones. Around the office I am feeling the drag of everyone. As you know I have a real job as my books don't pay the bills yet. This has been a rough year, so I haven't been meeting all the deadlines I have set for myself. First, expecting to have Hunted and Pandora out for everyone. That hasn't happened as you can see. My blogging has fallen by the way side. So I just wanted all of you to know that I am still poking around working on giving you the next adventure in my world.
Oscars 2020
5 years ago