Around the House
What can I say about the adventures around the house. Not to much is going on at home, but work is getting a bit tough. I am making great headway on the new book, so expect to see it going live very soon. I am also in the process of looking for book reviewers/interviews for a blog tour. So, if you know anyone send them my way. It is hard that most authors have to do a lot of their own publicity, but it can also be fun to meet and talk to new fun people in the process. I recommend to any author to have the courage to go out and network with other bloggers.
My Thoughts
The Lorax, what can I say? It is by far my favorite Dr. Seuss story of all times. That is probably because it is one of the few that are an actual story that screams a moral to the populace. I was expecting to see an absolute train wreck of a movie when I sat in an empty theater with Katrina Rue to watch this new adaption. I have to saw I was pleasantly surprised to see they twisted the story into one with a new life and some fun music. While it was a bit campy for my overall liking; it was a great take on the story. The changes they made turned a short children's book into a fully fleshed out and realized story which would bring me back for a second viewing.
The characters of this story had growth, depth, and excitement instead of playing the pandering static characters you see in most children's movies today. It actually spoke to the audience in a fun way that acknowledged the watcher had a brain between their cute little ears.
Rating: 4 out of 5
Oscars 2020
5 years ago
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