Around the House
I am currently starting to compile information for an anthology I am putting together. Also, I am busy working away on my next book. Nothing major is going on here in Chicago besides trying to stay warm and avoid the snow which doesn't seem to want to go away.
My Thoughts
D.J. Cappella and Gilbert Press are currently accepting submissions for "A Supernatural Makeover" Anthology which will support and promote independent authors trying to establish themselves in publishing industry. We are currently looking for short stories with a supernatural twist that involve the makeover of a home or individual character. We are accepting stories from independent authors as well as published authors. This project will be available for sale in print and ebook format in the US and UK.
Reading Period: Submission period is open until March 15, 2011.
Word Count: 2,500 - 15,000 words
Content: Makeovers with a Supernatural Twist! We are looking for original fiction only and will not be accepting or responding to fan fiction. Stories must feature characters that the writer or writers have personally created. These may be previously published shorties, excerpts for novels, and new short stories/novellas! We will not be accepting material that individuals do not have the copyright to use, and/or distribute worldwide. We would love to see stories that tie into series and books you have currently written and published.
Payment: Authors receive one contributor copy of the book.
Submission Guidelines: Submissions will only be accepted via email at this time. Manuscripts must be doc or rtf formatted attachments. Manuscripts must follow standard formatting with out the use of special characters and fonts. Each page of the manuscript must include Name of the Author, Contact Information including email, and page numbers. Additionally the manuscript must include an short author bio, where and when the story was originally published if a reprint, and a statement that you have the right to print this story internationally. In the body of the email please include a cover letter with author information, previous credits if any, and a short synopsis of the work.
Reply To:
Response Time: Four to six weeks from date of submission.
Estimated Release Date: Late Spring/Summer 2011.
Oscars 2020
5 years ago
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